Happy Friends
The public sector

Put the user in focus, create smooth user experiences, and save resources with a modern case management system

Times change, and so do the expectations regarding your public sector case management system. Agility and flexibility are central, for the parties on both sides, and a modern and user-friendly system can make all the difference.

Public sector case management systems used to be cumbersome, manual processes. They were burdensome for caseworkers and citizens alike, cost a lot of resources, and weighed heavily on the budget. Modern case management is characterized by a higher degree of automation and technical integrations that ease the daily workflows for all users.

Yet many case management systems are still lacking in user-friendliness. This can lead to challenges on both sides of the system, in the form of many unnecessary contact points and unsatisfactory service.

Free up resources with automated case management

The number of cases managed by public agencies and ministries is very large, and it is vital that they are all handled correctly and confidentially, regardless of complexity.

A modern case management system allows you to eliminate rigid manual workflows and implement automatic processes that require minimal intervention from staff, easing the daily processing of incoming cases.

At NNIT, we have more than 15 years of experience in developing custom IT solutions for the public sector. When we develop case management systems, we often base them on our own cloud-based platform, BorgerIT. It is a modular platform, which means that the core functionality can be put together so that your system always meets your needs, case management requirements, and legislation. Our extensive toolbox includes low-code tools such as OutSystems. Its standard modules make it easier and faster than ever to build new functionality into your case management solution as new needs or trends arise.

No two case management systems are the same. Each platform is therefore customized to the system users. Common to all the case management systems we develop, however, are the automated processes that handle up to 80 percent of all cases. This leads to a high degree of objectivity, and ensures that cases and people are treated equally in the system. The automations collect and cross-check data, so you always use the right information. This modern integration technology eases the workload for caseworkers, who no longer have to collect information themselves, freeing up valuable time and resources they can devote to more value-creating tasks.

Put the user in focus

A case management system can have a variety of forms and functions, but a common feature is that they must be able to handle large volumes of data and documents. We have also become more aware in recent years of developing systems with a focus on the users. Both the caseworkers and the citizens.

A user focus means making the various processes easier, marking a major shift in the approach to case management systems. Each system is matched to the users—not just their needs, but their specific workflows and digital behavior. A modern case management system can therefore be adjusted, adapted, and modernized in line with your needs, so it always works optimally for the users.

Over many years as a public sector IT provider, NNIT has built a broad knowledge of case management workflows, processes, and legislation, and we draw on our extensive domain knowledge and expertise to put the user in focus. Our sector insight allows us to translate user mechanisms and behavior into real solutions that create value.

Can we help you?

NNIT’s team of experienced IT specialists ranges from advisors to cloud experts, and they are ready to address any challenges you may face with your case management system.

All are driven by the desire to develop solutions to benefit people. Our solutions are always based on the latest technology and user insights, to create the most complete, user-friendly systems that create value in practice.