Life Sciences Man On His Laptop

A true unified platform takes skills to master

The Veeva Vault unified platform is transforming life sciences organizations.

With NNIT Veeva Powerhouse, we guide you through the continuous transformation, from implementation to go-live and beyond.  

Across the life sciences industry, companies of all sizes are looking to Veeva Vault as a way to optimize their business processes. By combining many of the digital tools used by pharma companies into a unified platform, Veeva Vault opens up countless new opportunities for improvement and innovation.   

A key aspect of Veeva Vaults is that it transforms the way life sciences companies operate. When you move to Veeva, you can begin to break down the silos and adopt a more integrated way of working, both within your own organization and with external stakeholders. However, this does not happen automatically, which is why NNIT is ready to help you realize the full potential of Veeva Vault.

With the right preparation and organizational change management, Veeva effectively provides you with the platform and tools to drive a process of continuous improvement. It forges new connections across your company, increasing the pace of innovation and enabling cooperation on a whole new level. Upgrades in Regulatory Affairs can trigger similar advances in Safety, Quality and Clinical and throughout your value chain.

Go-live is the beginning, not the end

Implementation is naturally a major focus point for life sciences companies looking to use Veeva. But in our experience, maximizing the potential of Veeva requires a perspective which extends far beyond go-live.

NNIT is a Veeva Premiere Services Partner within Development Cloud, and Europe’s largest Veeva implementation partner. After more than 150 completed Veeva projects, we know that aligning the whole organization for a new paradigm of continuous improvement is essential for success. When you sign on with Veeva, you do not purchase a system – you buy into a journey of continuous improvements.

Realizing this potential does not happen automatically. To get the full benefit of Veeva, both your processes and mindset must align to constantly innovate. Getting ready for go-live is just the beginning.    

A full-service solution with a dedicated team of subject matter experts

With NNIT Veeva Powerhouse, you get a competent partner to guide you through every aspect of Veeva, from implementation and onward.

Built specifically for Veeva, this full-service solution provides an end-to-end service with a well-proven framework and a dedicated expert team of 100+ certified Veeva Vaults professionals and 250+ experienced Veeva life sciences consultants.​

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Learn more about NNIT Veeva Powerhouse

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