Advisory And Consulting 11
Whistleblower Function

Report suspicious acts or omissions that could harm our company or our employees

Whistleblower Function

NNIT is committed to detecting and preventing financial fraud, business ethical misconduct, security and/or data protection breaches or similar.

Therefore, all employees, management and NNIT's Board of Directors as well as others doing business with and/or advising NNIT are encouraged to report suspicious acts or omissions that could harm our company or our employees.


We encourage you to disclose your identity when reporting, but you can choose to be anonymous. To ensure full anonymity, you will have to file the report from a private computer that is not on NNIT's corporate network. The whistleblower system does not log IP addresses or Machine IDs and does not use cookies. Only the report itself is registered.

How to file a report

You file a whistleblower report through the whistleblower system.

We strongly urge you to report through the whistleblower system and NOT to send reports via e-mail to the person(s) in NNIT's compliance function as the information in the report will not be securely transferred and encrypted, and you will not be able to report anonymously.