Nnit Hero Cloud

Get the cloud setup you really need

Managing cloud solutions takes something entirely different than running a classic IT environment. We can help you create a cloud setup that fits perfectly with your needs — and keeps you in control of stability, security, and costs.

After years of talk of ‘cloud only’ and ‘cloud first’, a certain realism has set in: Cloud solutions do not automatically make up stable, secure, and cost-effective platforms—and getting the most out of them is all but plug-n-play.

However, the potential with cloud continues to be very real, and with NNIT’s cloud services you can realize it. With our background in regulated industries, deep business understanding, and independence of external interests, we can help you shape and maintain the cloud setup you really need.

Whether you already have a cloud landing zone, or you’re creating one from scratch, our approach follows three steps:


Define your needs and plan for success:

  • Establish overview of your environment.
  • Pinpoint issues and draw up solutions
  • Lay down processes for continued performance


Adjust existing Cloud Landing Zone or build from scratch to:

  • Establish a fit-for-purpose setup
  • Ensure scalability, security, and compliance
  • Enable future projects


Ensure setup and processes delivers ongoing cloud excellence:

  • Maintain resources
  • Maintain security, and Identity & Access Management
  • Maintain cost control
How can we help you?

Get a tailored Cloud Landing Zone customized to your needs and requirements, built on best practices and designed to meet your specific security, compliance, and design standards.

With security as a top priority, we build or optimize your cloud environment based on best practices.

Move to the cloud the right way with a tailored environment designed to meet your needs. Modernize your infrastructure for a future-ready setup.

Take control of your cloud costs! Through analysis, concrete initiatives, and ongoing expense monitoring, we ensure that your Azure spending stays on track.

Let experts manage and operate your Azure environment. A fully automated and modern setup handled by us, so you don’t have to worry about keeping the cloud running.

Cloud solutions come standardized, organizations don’t

With cloud solutions it’s never one-size-fits all. Everything from your internal processes over compliance demands to business needs creates a unique set of requirements to your cloud platform.

This is especially true in regulated industries and in the public sector. But few organizations have the setup or resources to properly evaluate their needs or build and maintain an efficient cloud setup.

This is where we enter the picture. Our experienced consultants bring a holistic approach to determine where, when and how you should take to the cloud—and we can help set up processes, resources, and solutions that keep your cloud environment stable, cost efficient and secure.

Our experts are ready to help

Contact us, and we will find a solution that suits your needs

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