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Senior Consultant in Life Sciences at NNIT

Meet Martin Rada

Martin Rada has been with NNIT for more than 10 years. He joined our Prague office in 2014 as a Support Center Analyst. Now, he’s a Senior Consultant in Life Sciences, helping our customers transit smoothly into Veeva. Find out what motivated him to join NNIT in the first place and what kept him here for all these years.

What motivated you to join NNIT seven years ago?

Prior to joining NNIT, I’d been working as a Service Desk Agent for one of NNIT’s competitors. The environment there was very dynamic. There was strong micro-management. I just feel that there’s no career development for me there. So I was considering a change. The first thing that I noticed, or the one that captured me, when joining NNIT was that I got the immediate sense of trust between me, managers, and the team. While I didn’t have any particular reason to join NNIT at that time, because I didn’t know much about it. The culture itself was what made me actually stay.

What’s the best thing about your job?

The best thing about my job is the challenges that each new project brings. I don’t think that there’s been any moment in my entire NNIT career that I could say: “Okay, now I know everything.” “There’s nothing more to learn for me.”

Are there any exciting projects you’re working on right now that you could share with us?

I’m currently working as a system administrator for the newly released Veeva Safety Vault for one of our clients. My job is to ensure that the system is not only compliant. But also provides the smoothest experience for the users. That brings me through the whole life cycle of the application. I’m working with change management, incident management, and migrations. I’m also working with business process design.

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