Expectation Report 2022
NNIT Expectation Barometer Report 2022

More digitally driven sustainability please

More digitally driven sustainability please!

NNIT’s Expectation Barometer 2022 takes a close look at the role IT and new technology will play in promoting sustainable development and growth. Based on responses from over 500 respondents, you can learn more about how to accelerate your own digital transformation and green transition.


The fact that sustainability is high on the agenda of many organizations is no surprise. Investment in green transition is accelerating everywhere. But even though there’s a lot of awareness that global warming and the climate crisis require action, many people are still at a loss when it comes to how.

NNIT’s Expectation Barometer 2022 takes a close look at sustainability and IT. More than 500 respondents participated in this year’s survey, indicating considerable awareness that digitization plays a crucial role in creating growth and sustainable development. We need to increase the use of data and new technologies if we’re going to make the world greener. Digitally driven sustainability is the way forward.

We need to learn from each other

We’ve been compiling NNIT’s Expectation Barometer since 2011. Over the years, digital transformation has accelerated globally and has changed the world: there’s a digital element to virtually everything we do nowadays.

The faster the digitization progresses, the more important it becomes to occasionally stop and reflect on whether we are making the most of digital opportunities.

That’s why the Expectation Barometer checks the status of digital transformation every year along with digital themes in organizations, so we can share experiences and learn from each other. Our vision for the Expectation Barometer is for digital leaders to be able to learn more about and be inspired in how to utilize data and new technologies even better.

Greener transition through IT

Since we launched the survey at the beginning of the year, the world has changed, and the macroeconomic effects have only made the green transition more urgent. After an extremely hot summer, we’re facing a cold winter, and the energy crisis threatens to have fatal consequences. Being able to streamline and do more for less is more important than ever. But we can’t improve something we can’t measure. Data plays a crucial role in finding solutions to how we can use less energy.

To succeed in realizing sustainability ambitions and growing organizations through IT and digital solutions, we need sharp minds. And the shortage of IT talent is a challenge, according to responses in this year’s Expectation Barometer.

The way to more sustainability, growth, and talent

We’ve compiled the insights from NNIT’s Expectation Barometer 2022 into three themes:

1. Sustainability and resilience

2. Growth and oppertunity

3. Talent and new ways of working

Here you’ll get the key conclusions from the +500 responses, along with in-depth interviews with selected digital leaders in various sectors.

You’ll also gain perspectives and advice from NNIT’s experts to inspire you on how you can promote sustainability and growth through digitalization.

Fill out the form and get access to the online report and the three themes: