Expectation Barometer 2022 Inspiration

NNIT Expectation Barometer

The sustainable organization in a digital perspective

The faster the digitization progresses, the more important it becomes to occasionally stop and reflect on whether we are making the most of digital opportunities.

That’s why the Expectation Barometer checks the status of digital transformation every year along with digital themes in organizations, so we can share experiences and learn from each other. Our vision for the Expectation Barometer is for digital leaders to be able to learn more about and be inspired in how to utilize data and new technologies even better.

Take the test 

Participate in NNIT's Expectation Barometer 2022 just like +500 other digital leaders

We are ready. Are you?

Do you want to accelerate the digital transformation in your organization? Then NNIT is here to help you. It does not matter if your industry is life sciences, manufacturing, finance, public sector or something else. Together, we will find the best way to improve your business.